Getting the Visa
Kia Ora! Here I am once again apologizing for taking so long to post. I have a good excuse this time - Brad and I were asked to speak in church this past Sunday so last week all my spare time went to preparing my talk. Hopefully you will forgive me for neglecting my blog! But I'm back, ready to pick up where I left you.... All right, so now we had a job offer. The next step was to apply for a visa. Just because we had a job offer didn't mean we'd get to live in New Zealand. They are pretty strict with who they let in and it is not a simple nor cheap process. The visa we applied for cost $3000 USD and if they don't approve you there is no refund, you're just out $3000, but we felt it was worth the investment. So, what all does it entail? Let me tell you. 1. You must have a job offer from an accredited employer. Many companies in New Zealand are not accredited (Microsoft wasn't accredited but supposedly was working towards being accredited). And, remember, your ...