Stay Tuned... Updates will be forthcoming... In a few weeks most likely...

Christmas on the beach at Raglan!

Kia Ora!

Our life was taken over by desperately searching for a new place to live and all the stress that that entailed. The good news is we have a new home! However now we are trying to play catch up on life (seriously, we haven't done our Christmas gift exchange yet, that's how crazy life has been). Don't forget to add in that James leaves for his mission two weeks from today (January 17) and yeah, I've not been focusing too much on our blog.

However, hopefully that will change here shortly. No promises about regular posts until after I get James on his way, but hopefully by the end of the month our lives will have somewhat of a routine to them and I will be sure to update you. 

Thanks for your patience!

With love from New Zealand,


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