Two weeks ago my entire life changed…


Well, actually it also changed 100 days before that.

On March 12, 2024, (our 25th wedding anniversary) Brad moved to New Zealand. By himself. Without me. Without our children. It was a temporary separation. 100 days to be exact. The kids and I would join him mid-June, as soon as school was out (and James had graduated).

I’ll make another post about the adventure leading to that day as well as the adventures during those 100 days of separation, but suffice it to say, we’re glad to be together again.

And we are together again in New Zealand. Not because we don’t love America, not because we don’t love Idaho or our friends and family there and definitely not because we don’t love the amazing charter schools where our children attended. But, for some reason, we felt a strong pull to take this step and see what it is like to live in a completely different country, a different hemisphere even! And to give our children this experience and know that they can do things that people don’t normally do.

So, here we are. The kids (all but Jenna) and I landed on June 21, 2024. We were happily reunited with our husband and dad and are now in the process of figuring out what to do with our lives!

I’m starting this blog to post updates, pictures and stories of our adventures we hope to have here in New Zealand. As well as ordinary day to day details for those of you who may wonder what it’s like to live in a different country. Also, to document things we learn, things we wish we had done differently, things that may help us if we decide to do something this crazy again. Also, maybe it will help someone out there who is thinking of doing something similar.

So, come along with me as I do my best to keep this blog updated and share in this crazy little adventure our family has embarked on! I want to get it started today, so please forgive the roughness of it, I will get it polished up and personalized soon! 

Love from New Zealand, Lyndsay

Here's a few sneak peeks from our first couple weeks here. I'll post more details soon!


  1. Stay safe. What an adventure

  2. Anxious to follow your adventure and hope it is wonderful even though we miss all of you!

  3. It's gorgeous. On our bucket list to do.
    Don't plan on us visiting.
    We don't have enough money, but it's still fun to dream. Diane Todd ❤️

  4. I am so excited for you all!!! My best friend passed away a few years ago of breast cancer and she was full Maori and a legit New Zealander. I have always wanted to go!!! She used to laugh and run in the hills barefoot as there are no snakes!! You are all so blessed to have this experience!!! Enjoy every minute!! Pat and Bob W.

  5. Thanks for inviting us along on your adventure!

  6. So happy for the exciting adventure of Bodily family in NZ. You both look great! I hope you enjoy every moment together as a family in your new home.

  7. That’s awesome! Enjoy!

  8. Wow - good for you guys to make this adventure! NZ is big, so where have you settled?

  9. Our former neighbors bought a sailboat and spent a year sailing around with their six kids—oldest in n high school. At least you’re on land!
    Have a great adventure, enjoy the customs, culture, and lingo and becoming Kiwis!

    1. Wow! I could not do that, good for them!! I am adjusting to living in such a smaller house than we have for years, I can't imagine all of us on a sailboat! But man there would be some awesome things about that!!

  10. Love your blog!! Thx so much


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