100 Days... (Part 1)

FYI: I typed this post up and realized it was going to be extremely long if I tried to get through it all in one post, so here is part 1, we'll see how many parts it ends up being. My guess is 3... 

Kia Ora!

As I mentioned, Brad left for New Zealand on March 12 - our 25th wedding anniversary. My husband moving halfway around the world was definitely not on the agenda for celebrating such a special event, but that is just how things worked out and I was okay with that. Or at least I thought I would be.

We celebrated Brad's birthday a few weeks early. I made him a German Chocolate cake and a meal I thought he'd enjoy. For an early birthday gift I booked us an Airbnb for the day after the kids and I would be arriving in NZ for just the two of us. Brad's parents and Kevin came home for the weekend before he left to have some time together before Brad moved.

My mom offered to go with me to the airport so I wouldn't be coming home alone, which I appreciated, but I knew I wanted to be alone after dropping Brad off. I was glad that I would have a couple hours until the kids would get home from school to try to have my emotions in check. I wasn't sure how the kids would be feeling and wanted to be able to help them if they needed. 

We spent the morning finishing up Brad's packing and getting the boxes he was taking all ready to go. I did pretty good, but I definitely was crying when it was time to say goodbye. I cried the whole way out of the airport. I kept on crying pretty much the whole way home and didn't stop after getting home. Walking into the empty house was so much harder than I had anticipated it would be. First, I am never alone. Like never. Unless it's in the car driving to get the kids or go shopping. But at home? Brad is pretty much always there. He works from home. I'm used to having him around. I'm used to us being able to talk anytime. I'm used to being able to go out with my husband for lunch or breakfast or just whenever we want. I'm used to having him there. So, to walk into an empty house was hard. I did not expect to miss him so much right away. It physically hurt. 

I was so grateful it was for "only" 100 days (which at the time felt like FOREVER). During that first week I pondered on those who have had to say goodbye to loved ones for much longer than 100 days - be that a year or until they would meet them on the other side. I know that at some point Brad or I will be without the other and man alive, that is going to be hard. I pray it's not for a long time, but I also know that it could be at any time. Just a little reminder to not take time together for granted. With spouses, children, family, loved ones, etc. 

I had several big events planned for during those 100 days and hoped that would help the time go quickly. However, that first week was long and hard. The kids were a great support, when I would cry they would try to cheer me up. They took great care of me and I don't know how I would have managed that first week without them. I sure am blessed.

So, what did I do during those 100 days?

Well, first off Daniel decided he should probably get sick right after his dad left. Which actually was a blessing in disguise. I am sorry he wasn't feeling well, but I think it was really good for me to have him home and needing his mom. It helped distract me from missing my husband so much. 

The kids and I made a trip to Utah and attended General Conference for our church in person. A first for all of us. Wait - not Ryan. He attended a couple of times during his mission lucky skunk. I loved it! It was awesome. I highly recommend you do this if you never have. It was fun to have a little mini vacation with the kids. We started by driving to Twin Falls and visiting Great Grandpa Stanger. The kids all played something for him on the piano. Then we headed on to Idaho Falls and stayed with some old friends (shout out to the Christian's for hosting our crazy family!) and visited my Aunt Kenna and Uncle Lance. Oh man, I sure do love those two and I miss them lots!

Ryan has been into planning, preparing and serving multi-course meals and planned on doing one for his friends that are in Provo. So, we drove from Idaho Falls to Provo and he hosted this dinner at our Airbnb. We did as much cooking/prepping as we could back home before the trip which made things go much smoother that night in our tiny little Airbnb kitchen! The dinner was a success!

Table set up for dinner:

Brynn made the name setting card and Ryan is a pro at folding napkins all pretty.

I wasn't kidding when I said it was a tiny kitchen!

We attended the Saturday morning session of General Conference. My biggest wish was that Elder Holland would be there and even better he would speak at the session we attended. I got my wish, both of them! Though we were bummed that President Nelson wasn't at our session being there for Elder Holland's talk was awesome. Again, if you haven't gone, go!! I also loved hearing the Tabernacle Choir sing, though if I'm honest it was a tiny bit of a let down. It's just such a giant room that the sound is not amazing. Honestly they sound better at home with our audio setup. But, still, I'm so glad we went and were able to experience conference in person.

As soon as the session was done we booked it out of there. My mom and all her siblings were getting together in Twin Falls - my aunt would be leaving for a mission soon and they wanted to have a get together before she left and I so wanted to be there to have a chance to see everyone at once. I haven't seen some of my aunts and uncles in probably close to 15 years or more. I can't believe how quickly we got out of the conference center, walked to our car and were on the interstate. We were pulling onto the interstate by 12:15. We headed straight to Twin and I was able to see all my aunts and uncles on my mom's side, which made my heart so happy! I love each of them dearly and wish I had been better about seeing them the past 15 or so years. Hopefully they will forgive me for that and still love me!

All right, that's the end of Part 1. Stay tuned for Part 2!

With love from New Zealand, 



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