The first couple weeks here were pretty laid back. We went shopping, I learned how to drive on the opposite side of the road. It wasn't nearly as scary as I had thought it would be and for the most part now (3 months later) I feel pretty proficient at it, though if I got into a tricky intersection or no other cars around I might get a little flustered. And, you'll be glad to hear that only once did I go through a roundabout the wrong way and in my defense, it was a teeny roundabout in a parking lot.
Brad and Brynn being brave and riding with me driving.

I took a few of the kids and we went op shopping. Thrift stores are called op shops here (which I kinda love). There's an area of town (Frankton) that had 4 op shops all within walking distance, so we headed there (about an 18 minute drive from home). I drove there in Ryan's car, but then had Ryan do the rest of the driving. Anyways, op shops here are fairly different than back in the states. First, there's lots, like almost every suburb has their own. With that, know that they are pretty small. Nothing like a Savers, not even anything like a Goodwill. Do you know what I do miss? The Goodwill in Virginia, oh man, it had the nicest things! Anyways, the op shops usually have a charity they support - hospitals, cancer, dogs, etc. As with any thrift store, you never know what you'll find, but since the stores are smaller, it's even more exciting when you find something you need or want or just a special treasure. Our first op shop trip we came upon a big ol' George Foreman grill for just $15! It's about twice as big as the one I had in the states. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the removable plates, but for $15, I will gladly make do! I also came upon a glass loaf pan, so that was a bonus as well. Brynn found a "Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall" dvd, which was awesome since we love that performance (Mom and Dad, that's the performance we invited you over to watch with us for her birthday) and so now she can watch it here in NZ. Wel, at least she could if we had a NZ dvd player!
Walking around Frankton, visiting the op shops!
We quickly discovered that the tv included with the house stinks. Like everything is blue. So, Brad started looking on FB marketplace for a used tv that we could get by with. I'm pretty proud of him for being willing to have not the latest and greatest. If you know my husband, you know that high quality audio and video is very important to him! He found one and we went to buy it and even got the guy to come down on the price just a little bit.
Brad and the boys putting the "new" tv on the wall.
While driving home we passed a double decker bus and I learned that the schools here do not use school buses. The kids just go home on the normal city bus. Which at first seemed kinda crazy to me, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought well, why not? Though that would definitely make attending school a bit more expensive. It still seems odd to me when I see students waiting at a bus stop with adults.

One of the first orders of business was to get me put on Brad's bank account and also get me a NZ driver's license. We did the license first. It was fairly easy. Except, I had renewed my license right before we moved and if your license is less than 3 months old then you have to do a driving test and other stuff. However, I just happened to still have my old license and so they accepted that. Which seemed a little odd to me, but I'll take it! It saved us time and money! I am officially a NZ driver now! (if we not from a select list of countries I would have had to take the driving test, too) Then we headed to the bank. However, I didn't yet have a NZ cell number and without that I can't open an account at the bank. So, we decided to stop at a little bakery by the bank and get a treat. This bakery was more what you would think of in the states, more upscale and fancier treats. Not like the regular NZ bakeries in every suburb.
Enjoying our red velvet cake slice.
Not to worry, I have since gotten my NZ cell number and open a bank account. I had to open my own account and then Brad could put me on his account. It was kind of funny to me, they asked Brad if he wanted to allow me to have full access to his funds or just be on the account but not be able to do anything. They seemed a little nervous about me having full access, but that's probably just me.
This is for Sadie, they sell this at the grocery stores here! I haven't bought one to try, yet, but will have to sometime!
With Love from New Zealand,
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