All About Snacka Changi Chips

Kia Ora! This is a lengthy, wordy post, best read when you are bored and looking for something to pass some time. I promise, it's an entertaining read and will be worth your time! I feel I should let you know - plain (non-flavoured) chips here are called salted or sometimes "ready salted", just so you are aware when you get to that flavour. When we visited Ryan last summer there was a brand of chips that the packaging caught our eye. We tried a couple of the flavors when we were here and were entertained by the packaging. This post is all about SnackaChangi Chips - to introduce you to these funny packaged chips. I bought one of each flavor so I could show you the packaging and will also type up the details from the back! Be sure to zoom in for all the details, including where it says "Made from 100% Free Range Non-Caged Potatoes". Also, where the wording was repeated exactly I didn't retype it on the back descriptions. Just for full disclosure. Also, I type...