
Showing posts from October, 2024

All About Snacka Changi Chips

Kia Ora! This is a lengthy, wordy post, best read when you are bored and looking for something to pass some time. I promise, it's an entertaining read and will be worth your time! I feel I should let you know - plain (non-flavoured) chips here are called salted or sometimes "ready salted", just so you are aware when you get to that flavour. When we visited Ryan last summer there was a brand of chips that the packaging caught our eye. We tried a couple of the flavors when we were here and were entertained by the packaging. This post is all about SnackaChangi Chips - to introduce you to these funny packaged chips. I bought one of each flavor so  I could show you the packaging and will also type up the details from the back! Be sure to zoom in for all the details, including where it says "Made from 100% Free Range Non-Caged Potatoes". Also, where the wording was repeated exactly I didn't retype it on the back descriptions. Just for full disclosure. Also, I type...

Another Post Full of Miscellaneous Photos

Kia Ora! Welcome to my post of photos and explanations of said photos. I hope you enjoy your visit! While out walking I came across this interesting driveway. The driveway is painted mostly blue with some yellow, set up like a basketball court. They had quite the contraption put together behind the basketball net, from the best I could tell I think it was to retrieve the ball and send it back towards you, but it didn't seem to quite line up correctly. Mostly, I took these pics for Autumn. She loves basketball and if this house was closer I'd have to make friends with the family so she could go play there. In August Ryan's friend had his wedding reception and James and I went with him up to it (in Auckland). I went so I could see his friend's mom (Christina, whom I made friends with last summer). It was great seeing Christina again, even if just for a few minutes as she rushed around! They had a beautiful food spread for the reception, I took a few pictures to share with...

A HodgePodge of Things

Kia Ora! This post is just a hodge podge of pictures and everyday things that happened in the next few weeks (end of July) of our lives here in New Zealand. Enjoy! Brad and I went to Texas Pete's for our date night. Thought we'd give it a try. It was okay. I don't think we'll ever go back. I wish I had taken a picture of the dessert we shared. It was $15 and it came in a tiny aluminum foil pan - it was a biscoff caramel pie or some such thing. It was okay, but most places here give me a $15 dessert that at least comes on a real plate! One thing of note, they have A&W in cans, $5 per can. It's the only place we had seen A&W. May have to splurge for someone's birthday and share a can amongst the family! We tried New Zealand's Pizza Hut pizza. And, honestly, it wasn't bad. And it's cheap, the cheapest way to feed our family "eating out" (though we picked it up and brought it hom). It was $122 and we had enough leftover for lunch the ne...

The Many Cows of Morrinsville

Kia Ora! Welcome to my blog post all about Morrinsville! For our next trek out we decided to visit Morrinsville, a small town about 30 minutes (33 km) east of Hamilton.  Our main reason for visiting was to check out a Honda Elysion that was for sale there (don't worry, I'll do a whole post all about our car shopping adventure), but we decided if we were going to make the drive out there we might as well go on a little hike and also check out the town. I did a little research before we left and found what I thought would be a somewhat easier trek but with lots of pretty scenery. A walk along the river, seemed just right.  Here we are just starting off. Ready to go with water bottles and snacks. The trek should take us about an hour or so each way. Autumn, my camera shy child. Daniel, definitely not my camera shy child! Well, apparently I didn't take some pictures that I thought I had taken. After we had walked for not very long, probably about 15 minutes, we discovered that ...