Another Post Full of Miscellaneous Photos
Kia Ora! Welcome to my post of photos and explanations of said photos. I hope you enjoy your visit!
While out walking I came across this interesting driveway. The driveway is painted mostly blue with some yellow, set up like a basketball court. They had quite the contraption put together behind the basketball net, from the best I could tell I think it was to retrieve the ball and send it back towards you, but it didn't seem to quite line up correctly. Mostly, I took these pics for Autumn. She loves basketball and if this house was closer I'd have to make friends with the family so she could go play there.
In August Ryan's friend had his wedding reception and James and I went with him up to it (in Auckland). I went so I could see his friend's mom (Christina, whom I made friends with last summer). It was great seeing Christina again, even if just for a few minutes as she rushed around! They had a beautiful food spread for the reception, I took a few pictures to share with you.
And we looked around the church a little, I found this interesting. They have a window to see into the font from the primary room with curtains to conceal it. I don't know why it struck me as different, it's not much different than the accordion folding doors we use in the states, but just the image of this font tucked behind these curtains made me laugh a little.
The organ I play on in our chapel (when it's my turn to play - we take turns, one month at a time between me and two other sisters). There's no fake pedal button, so I really should take some time to go in there and learn how to play the pedals!
Another food picture. From another date night. I ordered oysters at The Lookout and man alive they were delicious! Mmm, I do love seafood!
And another food picture from another date night. This is pub food and it's as good as it looks. Fried potatoes, smothered with some cheese, and then a fried seafood platter that we shared.
Guess this post is going to be a fair bit about food. This is called mustard pickle and yup, it has raisins in it. The package said good on sandwiches. I don't believe in wasting food so I had it on several sandwiches until it was gone (I was the only one who would eat it, though Brad did have a taste I believe). It wasn't horrible, but it was fairly sweet and I don't plan on buying it again.
With love from New Zealand,
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